Play dat Djembe!

After this afternoon’s glorious, much-needed nap (Seba’s, not mine), I remembered that Thursday nights are concert nights in the botanical garden near the crater.  Tonight’s concert was the last for this season, and it was an African drum ensemble, including dancers, called Sewa Fare.  I’ve been looking forward to seeing them perform for several weeks, so I’m pumped that I remembered and that we were all well rested! El papá was working late, so he didn’t join us, but our neighbors walked down with us, and we ran into more people we knew with their kids, so after all the kids warmed up to one another, the night was pretty much a success.  The drummers invited everyone to dance wherever they were, but the kids ended up taking over the stage for a lot of the show.  Seba ran up front and jumped around for a while before wandering off, and then he popped back over to the stage for more dancing. He and I dressed in the African dress my mom brought back from her last trip to Zambia, and we made a Gambian dinner I found under the “Africa” tab over at Ethnic Vegan.  I made the Spinach and Peanut Sauce over rice, but since I had no spinach, I subbed out the rest of my kale and collard greens.  I could seriously eat that stuff every single day. I took brown rice, too, but most of my food never gets eaten when we’re in a group.  Mostly, Seba gobbles up anything else that’s being offered, and we are the ones left with all the leftovers.  We both polished it off when we got home, though.  It’s a little easier without distractions (e.g., sweet fruit and 20 other kids dancing and running around). As it happens, our neighbor knows the lead drummer, and we sat with his wife.  After the show, they left the drums up on the grassy stage, and Seba wouldn’t leave them until security told us it was time to go.  He has a thing for drumming on everything, and also for dancing, and the group playing tonight actually leads dancing and drumming classes.  I asked if they were willing to lead a Seba-aged group (or individual), and they were very excited about the prospect, so here’s hoping they make it fun.  And affordable!  :/ I’m off to read a little before I nod off, and I suspect we’ll be lucky and have a late morning tomorrow.  Crossing my fingers!

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